Sunday, January 22, 2017

Writer's Night for January

Writer's Night for January was held at Matt's in Woodinville.  This meant, for me, a long drive up I-405.  I left a bit after 6:00 PM but I was making good time and I hit Bellevue just before 6:45 PM, but then traffic came to a complete halt and the freeway was literally a parking lot.  I'd inch forward a few feet, then wait a minute or two, then inch forward another few feet.  I didn't get past the accident until about 8:15, so I spent about 1.5 hours travelling maybe 2 or 3 miles.

The signs above the road warned of an accident involving a semi, and the news radio said that it was blocking all lanes except the far right one.  As it turned out, there were two right lanes open but that meant at least four lanes blocked (two HOV lanes).  There were a ton of aid cars and I didn't see most of the accident, but there was a single car, which didn't look all that banged up really, but it was upside down.  So... that's not good.

When I arrived Sky was reading a script for his long-in-development web comic, but it's coming along and was very funny in places.  He had more of the story to read than before, and parts had been reworked as well.  I didn't get to hear all of it obviously but I liked what I heard.  Sadly, he's not planning on working on art for it for now, he's concentrating more on commissions and making money.

Gene read two scenes from his fantasy novel.  I think this is the first one, but it gets a little confusing -- he's written, I think all or most of the first three novels?  And parts of several others, and plotted like nine or twelve or more total.  These scenes were a reworking of a previous section of the novel and I really liked what I heard.

I decided to read my story Until That Day, which I'll probably publish on the Grandpa Anarchy blog soon.  I only have three stories in my backlog at the moment -- this one, Gate Into Danger, and... okay the only other one I haven't published is The Unfinished Painting, my Christmas ghost story.  That one needs a little editing and obviously I'm not going to publish it until next December, if I put it on the web at all.  So... yeah, two stories in backlog, with one scheduled to be published tomorrow.

I haven't written anything in two weeks -- that is, I haven't completed anything.  I have two scenes written on The Ghost and Miss Bloodraven, and the opening scene mostly written for The Cephalapod That Befriended the Wind.  I also was basically handed another story idea last night by Sky and my friends, who were speculating whether Grandpa Anarchy ever allowed someone to impersonate him.  So I just need to write.

Anyway I think people liked the story, there was one section in particular that got a lot of laughs, and nobody had any complaints about the general plot.  I noticed some things I need to clean up but that may very well be the story I publish tomorrow.

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