Thursday, June 27, 2013

Three Stories So Far...

Tuesday I finished a second Grandpa Anarchy story.  This one is called Continuity Error, and I think it's a good one.  It involves Kid Continuity and what she really does -- as an arbiter of continuity she tries to track the history of Grandpa Anarchy's life as a hero and find explanations for any perceived inconsistencies.  But I also gave her an actual related power.  The more I do with her, the more fun she seems as a character -- a sort of heroic stand-in for the story editor, or perhaps from the character's point of view an editor of reality.  It's all very meta -- a phrase that I wanted to insert somewhere in the story, but it didn't fit.

I have not decided if I want to replace Kid Continuity in An Inconvenient Airship yet.  That story still needs a bit of work anyway.

I did not manage to finish a third Grandpa Anarchy story last night, but I came pretty close.  I worked on my Patent Troll story and came up with a better name -- The Devil in the Details.  It's not finished yet, but I should be able to finish it with less than an hour of work.  At this point, I'm just figuring out what to trim, adding description details to set scenes, making sure dialogue flows well, and linking bits together.

I also started another story the other day -- not really a full story idea per se, but I had some dialogue that I didn't use in Continuity Error that I thought was funny and which I liked involving the possibility of Grandpa Anarchy becoming a gritty "Dark Grandpa" anti-hero.  I saved the extra dialogue as a file named "Dark Anarchy".  Because this revolved around Kid Continuity, I may need to write another story involving her, and one thing I didn't get to do yet is have a story in which she keeps fact-checking things and referring to past events in the way that comic book editors do.  (See issue #68!).  I'm not sure I have a punch line for that idea yet, but there's some fun stuff to be done there, and it might work in a Dark Anarchy story.  I just don't have the details worked out yet.

My plan is to finish The Devil in the Details tonight and do significant work on another story, or maybe even finish another story.  I'd still like to get one story a night finished for this week, that's my goal.

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